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Text File
554 lines
Begin Form Atomic
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Double
Caption = "Call the Atomic Clock"
ClientHeight = 3975
ClientLeft = 2475
ClientTop = 945
ClientWidth = 4695
ClipControls = 0 'False
Height = 4410
Left = 2400
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
MinButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 3975
ScaleWidth = 4695
Top = 585
Width = 4845
Begin MSComm Comm1
InBufferSize = 2048
Interval = 1000
Left = 3390
NullDiscard = -1 'True
OutBufferSize = 2048
RTSEnable = -1 'True
Top = 1125
Begin SSCheck DST
Caption = "Use Daylight Savings Time"
Height = 285
Left = 225
TabIndex = 4
Top = 960
Width = 2640
Begin ComboBox TimeZone
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Height = 300
Left = 375
Style = 2 'Dropdown List
TabIndex = 3
Top = 450
Width = 4065
Begin CommandButton Command1
Cancel = -1 'True
Caption = "Cancel"
Height = 345
Index = 2
Left = 2370
TabIndex = 1
Top = 3300
Width = 2085
Begin CommandButton Command1
Caption = "Dial"
Default = -1 'True
Height = 345
Index = 1
Left = 2370
TabIndex = 0
Top = 2790
Width = 2070
Begin CommandButton Command1
Caption = "Reset Defaults"
Height = 345
Index = 0
Left = 2370
TabIndex = 12
Top = 2280
Width = 2070
Begin SSFrame Frame3D1
Caption = "COM Port"
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 1530
Left = 255
TabIndex = 7
Top = 2190
Width = 1965
Begin SSOption ComPort
Caption = "COM&4:"
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 240
Index = 3
Left = 135
TabIndex = 11
Top = 1185
Width = 780
Begin SSOption ComPort
Caption = "COM&3:"
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 240
Index = 2
Left = 135
TabIndex = 10
Top = 885
Width = 780
Begin SSOption ComPort
Caption = "COM&2:"
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 240
Index = 1
Left = 135
TabIndex = 9
Top = 585
Width = 780
Begin SSOption ComPort
Caption = "COM&1:"
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 240
Index = 0
Left = 135
TabIndex = 8
Top = 285
Width = 780
Begin TextBox DialString
Height = 300
Left = 375
TabIndex = 6
Text = "ATDT 1 303 494-4774"
Top = 1710
Width = 4080
Begin Label Status
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Height = 240
Left = 1125
TabIndex = 13
Top = 15
Width = 3300
Begin Label Label1
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Modem Dial String"
Height = 210
Index = 1
Left = 225
TabIndex = 5
Top = 1440
Width = 2145
Begin Label Label1
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Time Zone"
Height = 240
Index = 0
Left = 195
TabIndex = 2
Top = 165
Width = 1320
Option Explicit
Dim ControlsDisabled As Integer
Dim InString As String
Dim TString As String
Dim Aborted As Integer
'The following is transmitted (at 1200 Baud) after completion of the
'telephone connection.
'? = HELP
'National Institute of Standards and Technology
'Telephone Time Service
'D L D
'47999 90-04-18 21:39:15 50 0 +.1 045.0 UTC(NIST) *
'47999 90-04-18 21:39:16 50 0 +.1 045.0 UTC(NIST) *
'47999 90-04-18 21:39:17 50 0 +.1 045.0 UTC(NIST) *
'47999 90-04-18 21:39:18 50 0 +.1 045.0 UTC(NIST) *
'47999 90-04-18 21:39:19 50 0 +.1 037.6 UTC(NIST) #
'47999 90-04-18 21:39:20 50 0 +.1 037.6 UTC(NIST) #
'UTC = Universal Time Coordinated, the official world time referred to the
'zero meridian.
'DST = Daylight savings time characters, valid for the continental U.S., are
'set as follows:
'00 = We are on standard time (ST). 50 = We are on DST.
'99 to 51 = Now on ST, go to DST when your local time is 2:00 am and the
'count is 51. The count is decremented daily at 00 (UTC).
'49 to 01 = Now on DST, go to ST when your local time is 2:00 am and the
'count is 01. The count is decremented daily at 00 (UTC).
'The two DST characters provide up to 48 days advance notice of a change in
'time. The count remains at 00 or 50 at other times.
'LS = Leap second flag is set to "1" to indicate that a leap second is to be
'added as 23:59:60 (UTC) on the last day of the current UTC month. The LS
'flag will be reset to "0" starting with 23:59:60 (UTC). The flag will
'remain on for the entire month before the second is added. Leap seconds
'are added as needed at the end of any month. Usually June and/or December
'are chosen.
'DUT1 = Approximate difference between earth rotation time (UT1) and UTC, in
'steps of 0.1 second. DUT1 = UT1 - UTC
'MJD = Modified Julian Date, often used to tag certain scientific data.
'The full time format is sent at 1200 Baud, 8 bit, 1 stop, no parity.
'The format at 300 Baud is also 8 bit, 1 stop, no parity.
'At 300 Baud the MJD and DUT1 values are deleted and the
'time is transmitted only on even seconds.
'Maximum on line time will be 56 seconds. If all lines are busy at any time,
'the oldest call will be terminated if it has been on line more than 28
'seconds, else, the call that first reaches 28 seconds will be terminated.
'Current time is valid at the "on-time" marker (OTM), either "*" or "#".
'The nominal on-time marker (*) will be transmitted 45 ms early to account
'for the 8 ms required to send 1 character at 1200 Baud, plus an additional
'7 ms for delay from NIST to the user, and approximately 30 ms "scrambler"
'delay inherent in 1200 Baud modems. If the caller echoes all characters,
'NIST will measure the round trip delay and advance the on-time marker so
'that the midpoint of the stop bit arrives at the user on time. The amount
'of msADV will reflect the actual required advance in milliseconds and the
'OTM will be a "#". The NIST system requires 4 or 5 consecutive delay
'measurements which are consistent before switching from "*" to "#".
'If the user has a 1200 Baud modem with the same internal delay as that used
'by NIST, then the "#" OTM should arrive at the user within +-2 ms of the
'correct time. However, NIST has studied different brands of 1200 Baud
'modems and found internal delays from 24 ms to 40 ms and offsets of the
'"#" OTM of +-10 ms. For many computer users, +-10 ms accuracy should be
'more than adequate since many computer internal clocks can only be set with
'granularity of 20 to 50 ms. In any case, the repeatability of the offset
'for the "#" OTM should be within +-2 ms, if the dial-up path is reciprocal
'and the user doesn't change the brand or model of modem used. This should
'be true even if the dial-up path on one day is a land-line of less than
'40 ms (one way) and on the next day is a satellite link of 260 to 300 ms.
'In the rare event that the path is one way by satellite and the other way
'by land line with a round trip measurement in the range of 90 to 260 ms,
'the OTM will remain a "*" indicating 45 ms advance.
'For user comments write:
'Time and Frequency Division
'Mail Stop 524
'325 Broadway
'Boulder, CO 80303
'Software for setting (PC)DOS compatable machines is available
'on a 360-kbyte diskette for $35.00 from:
'NIST Office of Standard Reference Materials
'B311-Chemistry Bldg, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899, (301) 975-6776
Sub Command1_Click (Index As Integer)
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim I As Integer
Dim NewD As Double
Dim OldD As Double
Dim DSTFlag As String
Dim OffBy As String
If Index = 0 Then 'Reset Defaults
Status.Caption = ""
End If
If Index = 1 Then 'Dial
Aborted = False
Status.Caption = ""
Command1(0).Enabled = False
Command1(1).Enabled = False
TimeZone.Enabled = False
DST.Enabled = False
DialString.Enabled = False
Frame3D1.Enabled = False
ControlsDisabled = True
On Local Error GoTo ErrHndl
For I% = 0 To 3
If ComPort(I%).Value Then comm1.CommPort = I% + 1
Next I%
If Aborted Then Exit Sub
comm1.Settings = "1200,N,8,1"
If Aborted Then Exit Sub
comm1.PortOpen = True
If Aborted Then Exit Sub
comm1.Output = DialString.Text + Chr$(13) + Chr(10)
StartTime = Timer
LastTime = 0
If LastTime <> Int(Timer) Then
If Not Aborted Then Status.Caption = "Connecting - " + Format$(75 - Int(Timer - StartTime)) + " seconds until timeout."
LastTime = Int(Timer)
End If
Loop Until comm1.InBufferCount >= 600 Or ((Timer - StartTime) > 75) Or Aborted
If Aborted Then Exit Sub
If (Timer - StartTime) > 75 Then
Status.Caption = "Timed out."
Exit Sub
End If
Status.Caption = "Setting time."
InString$ = comm1.Input
If Aborted Then Exit Sub
InString$ = Mid$(InString$, InStr(InString$, "*") + 1, 80)
NewD = DateValue(Mid$(InString$, 12, 2) + "/" + Mid$(InString$, 15, 2) + "/" + Mid$(InString$, 9, 2))
NewD = NewD + TimeValue(Mid$(InString$, 18, 8))
NewD = NewD - (TimeZone.ListIndex - 11) * (1 / 24)
DSTFlag$ = Mid$(InString$, 27, 2)
'If ((DSTFlag >= "01") And (DSTFlag <= "50")) Then
' NewD = NewD - (1 / 24)
'End If
If DST.Value Then
NewD = NewD + (1 / 24)
End If
OldD = Date + Time
If Year(NewD) >= 1993 Then
Date = Format$(NewD, "mm/dd/yy")
Time = Format$(NewD, "hh:mm:ss")
If OldD > NewD Then
OffBy = "fast"
OffBy = "slow"
End If
MsgBox "Time set to " + Format$(NewD, "hh:mm:ss") + ". Clock was " + OffBy$ + " by " + Format$(Abs(NewD - OldD), "hh:mm:ss") + "."
Screen.MousePointer = 11
AtomicTimeWasSet = True
Status.Caption = "Time set."
MsgBox "Error getting date and time."
End If
If Aborted Then Exit Sub
Screen.MousePointer = 11
If Aborted Then Exit Sub
On Local Error Resume Next
Screen.MousePointer = 0
Unload Atomic
End If
If Index = 2 Then 'Cancel
If ControlsDisabled Then
Aborted = True
Status.Caption = "Aborted."
Unload Atomic
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " + Error(Err)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub EnableControls ()
Command1(0).Enabled = True
Command1(1).Enabled = True
TimeZone.Enabled = True
DST.Enabled = True
DialString.Enabled = True
Frame3D1.Enabled = True
ControlsDisabled = False
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
Atomic.Left = Settings.Left + (Settings.Width / 2) - (Atomic.Width / 2)
Atomic.Top = Settings.Top + (Settings.Height / 2) - (Atomic.Height / 2)
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 11"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 10"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 9"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 8"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 7"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 6"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 5"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 4"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 3"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 2"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich + 1"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich - 1"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich - 2"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich - 3"
TimeZone.AddItem "Atlantic Standard Time (4)"
TimeZone.AddItem "Eastern Standard Time"
TimeZone.AddItem "Central Time"
TimeZone.AddItem "Mountain Time"
TimeZone.AddItem "Pacific Time"
TimeZone.AddItem "Yukon Standard Time"
TimeZone.AddItem "Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time"
TimeZone.AddItem "Nome Standard Time"
TimeZone.AddItem "Greenwich - 12"
'Atomic.Show 1
End Sub
Sub HangUp ()
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim I As Integer
Dim Ret As Integer
'Josh version -
'comm1.PortOpen = False
'Exit Sub
On Local Error GoTo ErrHndl2
'comm1.Output = "+++"
'StartTime = Timer
'While Timer - StartTime < .5
' DoEvents
'comm1.Output = "ATH0" + Chr$(13) + Chr(10)
comm1.Output = ""
For I% = 1 To 3
StartTime = Timer
TString$ = comm1.Input
comm1.Output = "+"
While Timer - StartTime < .25
Next I%
' DoEvents
'Loop Until comm1.InBufferCount >= 2
StartTime = Timer
While Timer - StartTime < 3#
TString$ = comm1.Input
comm1.Output = "ATH0" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
StartTime = Timer
Loop Until comm1.InBufferCount >= 2 Or (Timer - StartTime) > 5
TString$ = comm1.Input
StartTime = Timer
While Timer - StartTime < 1#
'3/28/92 version
comm1.PortOpen = False
Exit Sub
comm1.Output = "+++"
StartTime = Timer
While Timer - StartTime < .5
comm1.Output = "ATH0" + Chr$(13) + Chr(10)
Ret = comm1.DTREnable 'Save current setting
comm1.DTREnable = True 'Turn DTR on
comm1.DTREnable = False 'Turn DTR off
comm1.DTREnable = Ret 'Restore old setting
comm1.PortOpen = False
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub LoadModemSettings ()
Dim lpReturnedString As String * 100
Dim a As Integer
lpReturnedString = Space$(100)
a% = MyGetProfileString("AllTheTime", "TimeZoneIndex", "16", lpReturnedString$, 100)
TimeZone.ListIndex = Val(lpReturnedString)
a% = MyGetProfileString("AllTheTime", "DST", "0", lpReturnedString$, 100)
DST.Value = Val(lpReturnedString)
a% = MyGetProfileString("AllTheTime", "DialString", "ATDT 1 303 494-4774", lpReturnedString$, 100)
DialString.Text = lpReturnedString
a% = MyGetProfileString("AllTheTime", "ComPort", "0", lpReturnedString$, 100)
ComPort(Val(lpReturnedString)).Value = True
End Sub
Sub ResetDefaults ()
TimeZone.ListIndex = 16
DST.Value = 0
DialString.Text = "ATDT 1 303 494-4774"
ComPort(0).Value = True
End Sub
Sub SaveModemSettings ()
Dim a As Integer
Dim M As String
Dim I As Integer
a% = WritePrivateProfileString("AllTheTime", "TimeZoneIndex", TimeZone.ListIndex, "ATT.INI")
a% = WritePrivateProfileString("AllTheTime", "DST", DST.Value, "ATT.INI")
a% = WritePrivateProfileString("AllTheTime", "DialString", DialString.Text, "ATT.INI")
M$ = "0"
For I% = 0 To 3
If ComPort(I%).Value Then M$ = Str$(I%)
Next I%
a% = WritePrivateProfileString("AllTheTime", "ComPort", M$, "ATT.INI")
End Sub